About Founder
The Inter Denominational Gospel Ministry ( I D G M ) is a Christian Organization I am John Sathyaseelan. B A. Mth, Director of Ministry, It is started in the year 1979 in my youth period , as per society act I formed management committee and Registered at Andaman & Nicobar Administration on 1992, In name of INTER DENOMINATIONAL GOSPEL MINISTRY ( Religious and Social Trust) has been as a society under the Society Registration Act 1860. The Registration Number is 781. As per our By-law we formed committee, President, Vice president, Secretary, Joint Secretary Treasurer and two Executive members. This Committee will change once in three year and form new committee through nominated by General body.
The Inter Denominational Gospel Ministry ( I D G M ) is a Christian Organization I am John Sathyaseelan. B A. Mth, Director of Ministry, It is started in the year 1979 in my youth period , as per society act I formed management committee and Registered at Andaman & Nicobar Administration on 1992, In name of INTER DENOMINATIONAL GOSPEL MINISTRY ( Religious and Social Trust) has been as a society under the Society Registration Act 1860. The Registration Number is 781. As per our By-law we formed committee, President, Vice president, Secretary, Joint Secretary Treasurer and two Executive members. This Committee will change once in three year and form new committee through nominated by General body.